We offer what we believe is a full package to create an achievable and sustainable Social Enterprise making and selling environmentally friendly recycled products that are well designed and are fit for purpose.


We believe that our package is achievable and that with our help, planning training and support, any group can create these and many more products.


We believe that our package is sustainable. Part of our service is to identify local sourcing of resources. We can also help you to promote your enterprise to your local community.

A big part of what we offer is also ongoing training and support  – this means that our on-site training is also available on-line in how-to videos and also live video chats if needed.

Fit for purpose

To make an environmentally friendly recycled product, it really needs to be well made and long lasting and of course do the job it is bought to do.

Our products go through rigorous testing as part of our design and development and can withstand day to day use for extended periods of time.

Upcycled Products

We recommend that after you have read through this page you visit out Product overview page for a full description of what we offer.

Upcycled Products

We recommend that after you have read through this page you visit out Product overview page for a full description of what we offer.

Skills Training

Our initial on site training aims to give your group the skills, knowledge and confidence to make products for yourselves.

We run a flexible schedule to suit the needs of the group. Our sessions are relaxed and informal and we are happy to work with the pace of individuals.

Our training is backed up with training manuals and online videos – ideal to refresh your memory or to introduce new members of the group.

Skills Training

Our initial on site training aims to give your group the skills, knowledge and confidence to make products for yourselves.

We run a flexible schedule to suit the needs of the group. Our sessions are relaxed and informal and we are happy to work with the pace of individuals.

Our training is backed up with training manuals and online videos – ideal to refresh your memory or to introduce new members of the group.

Machinery, tools & Equipment

We will provide you with a comprehensive set of tools, equipment  and machinery including custom made templates needed to create upbound and upweave products.



Machinery, tools & Equipment

We will provide you with a comprehensive set of tools, equipment  and machinery including custom made templates needed to create upbound and upweave products.



Workspace planning

We’ll help you plan your space to maximise it’s use and create a clear and organised workflow to ensure the smooth running of your operation.

Workspace planning

We’ll help you plan your space to maximise it’s use and create a clear and organised workflow to ensure the smooth running of your operation.


A website is an essential tool for any social enterprise.

We include a website which can either be used as a promotional medium or as a full blown e-commerce shop to sell your products.

We include Full Training and Ongoing Support, we not only help you get started, we can help you refine and develop your online presence, and expand as your business grows.


A website is an essential tool for any social enterprise.

We include a website which can either be used as a promotional medium or as a full blown e-commerce shop to sell your products.

We include Full Training and Ongoing Support, we not only help you get started, we can help you refine and develop your online presence, and expand as your business grows.

Sales & Marketing

We have extensive experience in selling these products in a variety of settings. We include lots of tips and advice in our Sales & Marketing Guide, and will help start making contacts in your area.

Opportunities include stalls in local markets, fairs and events. We will help you explore selling in local outlets.

We will help produce a set of marketing materials from business cards to stall banners.

Sales & Marketing

We have extensive experience in selling these products in a variety of settings. We include lots of tips and advice in our Sales & Marketing Guide, and will help start making contacts in your area.

Opportunities include stalls in local markets, fairs and events. We will help you explore selling in local outlets.

We will help produce a set of marketing materials from business cards to stall banners.

Sourcing materials

We will use a dual pronged approach to help you source local resources. Where possible we will locate ‘broken’ materials from an industrial source, such as reclaimed paper and rolls of Tetra Pak cartons. This will ensure you a regular supply of a standard quality.

We will also help you set up  a campaign to collect resources from your local community using video, fliers and Facebook. This worthwhile activity will also help with raising awareness, sales and marketing.

Sourcing materials

We will use a dual pronged approach to help you source local resources. Where possible we will locate ‘broken’ materials from an industrial source, such as reclaimed paper and rolls of Tetra Pak cartons. This will ensure you a regular supply of a standard quality.

We will also help you set up  a campaign to collect resources from your local community using video, fliers and Facebook. This worthwhile activity will also help with raising awareness, sales and marketing.

Ongoing support

We have included 12 months ongoing help and support and are available on live chat and via video conferencing and can help with any training needed as new members join your group.

Our ongoing subscriptions (renewable on an annual basis) include new products and extensive how-to videos and guides as they become available.

Additional tools and machinery can be purchased separately.

Ongoing support

We have included 12 months ongoing help and support and are available on live chat and via video conferencing and can help with any training needed as new members join your group.

Our ongoing subscriptions (renewable on an annual basis) include new products and extensive how-to videos and guides as they become available.

Additional tools and machinery can be purchased separately.